• About

    The bot you can trust!


    Easy Moderation!
    EZMod features many moderation features such as baning, kicking, muting, warning, and much more!


    Easy Utility!
    EZMod features many utility features such as role name to ID, Eembed messages, repeat messages, and much more!


    Loads of features!
    EZMod also has a Premium bot which can do all EZMod can do but more! For example Premium version can give color roles, reaction roles, economy commands, and much more!
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  • Updates + Blog

    Here you can find info about new updates and announcements.

    August 1, 2020 · Updates,Announcements
    I am currently working on adding server economy's! Each server will have its own economy and everything! © 2020 by EZMod Team and Kevin Stroup
    July 29, 2020 · Announcements,Updates
    Currently we are beta testing the new premium!  This will be in the main bot and not a separate one!  More information later! © 2020 by EZMod Team and Kevin Stroup
  • Invite Now

    Invite EZMod now with one click!

  • EZMod Team

    Our Amazing Team!

    broken image


    Director, Head Developer, and Server Manager
    broken image


    broken image


    Staff Manager
    broken image

    Electro Cloud

    Admin and Support
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    VC Cubing

  • Contact The EZMod Team

    If you need help put your info below!

  • Social Feed

    Check out my latest updates!  
    Please note there may be a delay!